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Categories : English, Aquarium, GOURAMIS, Blue Gourami, Trichogaster trichopterus, Dwarf Gourami, Colisa lalia, Dwarf Gourami - Flame, Colisa lalia, Dwarf Gourami - Red Fire see Dwarf Gourami, Giant Gourami, Colisa fasciata, Gold Gourami, Trichogaster trichopterus, Honey Sunset Gourami, Colisa sota, Kissing Gourami - Pink, Helostoma temmincki, Moonlight Gourami, Trichogaster microlepsis, Opaline Gourami, Trichogaster trichopterus, Paradise Fish - Albino, Macropodus opercularis, Paradise Fish - Blue, Macropodus opercularis, Pearl Gourami, Trichogaster leeri,

In this section of the articles library you will find information about the different Gourami species, except for those that belong to the genus Betta, e.g. the Siamese Fighting fish. Since Betta fish are so popular we have given them their own category here at AC Tropical fish. 

All the Gourami species belong to the family Osphronemidae and are so called Labyrinth fishes; they have a labyrinth shaped organ that allow them absorb oxygen directly from the air. The labyrinth organ is connected to each gill chamber and the Osphronemidae fish will breathe air by swimming up to the surface and “gulp”. Labyrinth organs are an adaptation to a life in poorly aerated waters. Gourami fish are native to Asia and inhabit a region that stretches from India and Pakistan, across the Malay Archipelago and all the way to Korea. Gourami fish are only found in tropical freshwater.

Gouramis are commonly found in community aquariums since they are peaceful creatures that can be kept with each other or together with other docile species. It is advisable to choose tank mates that have roughly the same size. You can keep plenty of Gouramis of the same species, or from different species, in the same aquarium as long as there is room for them to form their own territories. Use plants and/or other aquarium decoration to form natural borders in the aquarium.

One of the Gourami species – Osphronemus goramy – is commonly known as ...

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