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One of the most common similarities amongst Koi Keepers is that despite the reams and reams of information about Koi available they always seem to want to search out just a little bit more. It is just as well I suppose, otherwise Koi magazines, books and videos would remain unsold. Judging by the demand for the various specialist reading matter and videos available it is clear that there are thousands of avaricious information seekers out there eating up Koi data with an almost insatiable appetite. After reading most of what is available some of it inevitably becomes repetitive and whilst there are obvious differences of opinion on certain aspects of the hobby, particularly the husbandry element, no-one can really argue with it's base ground origins.

Historians amongst us probably have fond memories of lessons at school learning about successions of Kings and Queens and family trees and even non-historians have probably noted a little about their own family tree. Race goers and punters study genealogy with almost fanatical enthusiasm. It is this aspect of Nishikigoi that I am particularly curious about, so armed with a tape recorder off I went to Golborne to ask a few questions. Much has been written about bloodlines of Koi in the past but when I interviewed Peter Waddi ...

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