So let's look at "the system" that "The Answer" was design for, shall we?
The Answer was designed for multichambered filtration systems using 4" gravity feed/flow. When I say "multi-chambered" we typically think of a 3 chamber system. Back when the Answer first came out, that would be a vortex followed by 2 matting chambers...pretty much standard configuration.
Now if we have a visual on this type of system, let's look at this systems characteristics. Taking the friction of the piping out of the equation, we want that maximum flow through capability without sucking the last chamber dry. Using 4" lines, at 3700 gph (US), the elevation drop is 1"....per transfer...pond to vortex = 1" %20 vortex to 1st bio = 1" %20 1st bio to second bio = 1". So at this flow through there would be a 3" elevation drop from pond to final chamber (plus the transfer line friction loss that would cause additional drop). For most vortex configuations, much more than a 3" drop on a final chamber would cause the pump to suck air from this chamber.
The Answer 410 with a 100 Micron screen is rated at about 3200 US gallons which is about t ...