Central Filtration Systems

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In the dark, distant years of independent aquarium systems, when days were long, backs were sore and arms appreciably stronger, aquatics hobbyists, retailers, wholesalers et al. were oft heard making strong slogans such as, "Water change day!", "Top off that row!" "Where's that pickle bucket?" As time went by, craniums got larger, arms got smaller and economic evolution prevailed. First it was the collector/breeders and trans-shippers that got the new religion; leading to the livestock wholesale distributors; blending to the savvy retailers to the advanced hobbyist. They all got the new religion: centralized filtration! The advantages of "batch-processing" your water through collective reservoir sumps, filters and make-up have been well elucidated (Fenner & Lawracy, 4/87 PSM). The upside is less and easier maintenance, better water quality, lower mortality & morbidity, increased carrying capacity with larger margins for error. In other words, more fun, time and money! The downside is more planning and up-front cost. I assure you, this is time and money very well invested. So much more labor will be otherwise expended and losses accumulated; not to mention unsightly buckets, hoses, sinks, splashes and related liability... By all means; if you're building out or refurbishing a part or all your aquatic holding system(s), centralize! For Retailers:  Some large volume wholesale distributors ...
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