Toxotes jaculatrix is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its content.

Photo Credit: Richard Brown

Name: Toxotes jaculatrix
Size pHGHTemp Origin: Asia and Oceania
15 cm 7.5 12 28°C These are an interesting fish. They get there name from shooting bugs off branches for food. Hence the name, "Archerfish". I have found these fish easy to keep as long as you keep the water slightly salty with plants (plastic) and branches. I have yet to meet someone who kept these fish with branches emersed, fed small crickets, so they can spit water at them to eat. Try it! Very cool to watch. Contributed by Brian Surf These are great fish. Mine is about 15 cm now but was only 8 cm when I bought it. He spends summer in my garden pond and winter in the tank. He eats anything: crickets, flies, fish... Contributed by (no name given) A fantastic fish to keep. Try to keep at least 4 specimens as they are a shoaling fish. It is wise to buy them at the same time and keep them all the same size as large specimens can pick on smaller ones. Does not have to be trained to spit at food placed on or near the lid of the aquarium, they will do it immediately. Please keep in mind that this fish is a predator. My archer fish has gotten bigger while my Neon shoal has gotten smaller. They are a peaceful fish and will not bother any other fish in the aquarium but any small fish are considered food. Contributed by Eoghan Lynch I built an enclosure above a 130 liter glass tank with four sides screene ...

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