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Toxotes jaculatrix

Quick Stats:   Archer Fish

Family: Toxotidae
Range: Asia
Size: Up to 12 inches
Diet: Omnivore
Tank Set-up: Freshwater, Brackish: Densely-planted below water surface
Tank Conditions: 68-82°F; pH 7.0-8.0; dH 9-19
Minimum Tank Capacity: 100 gallon
Light: Medium
Temperament: Peaceful
Swimming Level: Top
Care Level: Moderate
Reproduction: Egg Layer

The Archer Fish is also known as the Banded Archer Fish and comes from small rivers and streams across Asia. It has a triangular shaped body that is primarily silver in color. Many elongated spots adorn the sides of the Archer Fish, as well as black and yellow markings on the dorsal and anal fins. The Archer Fish has the remarkable ability to spit water at insects above the water, with amazing accuracy. The insects then fall into the water where they are quickly devoured. Their accuracy is even more remarkable given the need to compensate for the visual distortion that the water's surface causes. It is reported that the Archer Fish can spit at a target as far as 5 feet away!

The ideal setup for Archer Fish is an aquarium of at least 100 gallons with a tight fitting canopy, as these fish are jumpers. Provide plenty of plants that do not encroach the surface giving the Archer Fish plenty of swimming room at the top of the aquarium. Also ...

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