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3a) Monos (family Monodactylidae) There are two species of mono available. Both species are hardy, active fish well suited to a large brackish water community. As juveniles they naturally occur in fresh and brackish water, but the adults are essentially marine but make forays into estuaries and mangroves to feed. Spawning is believed to occur in freshwater, but only the true fingerfish Monodactylus sebae has spawned in captivity. Monos need plenty of heat, from 25 to 30° C (77 to 86° F). Most often traded is the common mono or Malayan angel Monodactylus argenteus. This fish is found from South Africa east to Australia. It has a silver, circular body with triangular dorsal and anal fins splashed with black and yellow. The Malayan angel rarely reaches more than 15 cm (6 inches) in length in captivity, but can get significantly larger. It is known as the ‘Malayan angel’ presumably because this species was originally exported from Malaya and bears a passing resemblance to the angelfish. Very similar to the Malayan angel is Monodactylus kottelati. Distinguished by having orange markings instead of yellow ones, it requires brackish or marine conditions and will not do well in freshwater. It does not grow so big (according to Fishbase less than 8 cm) so could make a good choice for aquarists without a sufficiently large tank to accomodate the other species of mono. It is not normally imported as a distinct species though, and both Monodactylus a ...
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