Toxotes jaculatrix , (archerfish) is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its content.

editLink('skunkworks/.accounts/c03528dd-2f07-42df-82a7-4f7dd35da520') 2006/04/09 05:25:16.125 GMT-4 By Fred Dery Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Subphylum: Vertebrata Class: Actinopterygii Order: Perciformes Suborder: Percoidei Family: Toxotidae Genus: Toxotes Species: Toxotes jaculatrix Find in TaxonTree [Help] Geographic Range

Toxotes jaculatrix can be found in India, New Guinea, Australia, the Phillipines, Southeast Asia, and Oceania. (ISIS, 2000; Virtual Science Centre Project, 1996)

Biogeographic Regions:
oriental (native ); australian (native ); indian ocean (native ); pacific ocean (native ). Habitat

T. jaculatrix is found almost exclusively in mangrove swamps, but can also be found to varying degrees in prawn ponds and river mouths (Tropical Tank, 2000; FreshAquariam, 2000). T. jaculatrix can survive in a wide range of water habitats, from fresh water to salt water, and in temperatures ranging from 25 to 30 degrees C (Tropical Tank, 2000). In almost all instances T. jaculatrix is found at or near the top depths of its aquatic environment, thus facilitating its predatory habits. (Neale, no date)

Aquatic Biomes:
lakes and ponds; rivers and streams; coastal . Physical Description

T. jaculatrix is approximately 25 cm in length on average and has variable co ...

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