Family Toxotidae is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its content.

Family Toxotidae

Indo-Pacific. Characterised by the straight back and deeply-curved belly, this group of estuarine fishes is endowed with the charming skill of striking down insects from above the water by shooting water droplets or a stream of water at them. It does so by means of a very special mouth structure.
Genus Toxotes Archer Fish
Toxotes jaculatrix
Ikan Sumpit-Sumpit,

Euryhaline; 16 cm; oviparous; carnivorous (to a large extent insectivorous); solitary or in small packs; surface-dwelling. Indigenous, fairly common. Mangrove streams and estuaries.

Like the spotted Scat, this species is included because it is often sold in aquaria as a freshwater fish, though it is more characteristic of brackish waters in Singapore. It is an intelligent and attractive fish, its large eyes are said to be capable of sharp binocular vision, vital for shooting down insects from above the water with accuracy. It is reputed that the fish is usually accurate to a distance of about a metre or so. ...
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