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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search An adult Common Pleco

The Plecostomus or Pleco is a general name for a type of nocturnal freshwater tropical Central and South American fish belonging to the Armored Catfish family (Loricariidae). The name is derived from the species known as the Suckermouth Catfish (Hypostomus plecostomus), however, it has since been applied to any of a large number of species that have a similar shape, but vary widely in terms of maximum length, coloration, and certain body features such as the "horns" on the Bristlenose Catfish. Plecos, such as the Common Plecos, are extremely popular in aquaria for its ability to clean tanks by eating algae growth, however they are often very poor at doing this. These fish are typically sold at about 3 inches, and may grow up to 1-2 feet depending on species.

Plecostomus are omnivorous but, in the wild, feed mostly on plant material at night . During the day, their unusual omega iris blocks a lot of the light out of their eyes. The iris opens at night. Plecos can also wink using an eye membrane.

As they age, Plecostomus can become more territorial and are best kept individually in tanks. Due to their size and territorial behaviour it is often better to consider a bristle nose catfish, which generally grow to about 6", are very peaceable, and do eat algae.

There are many types of suckermouth catfish (Loricaridae family) cur ...

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