Angelfish Breeding FAQ is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its content.

Angelfish Breeding FAQ
Black Lace
Black Ghost
Koi This version of the FAQ has most of the essential information from our site, arranged for printing from your browser. If you want to study the ABFAQ off-line, or to give a copy to a friend, print this out. It may take 12 pages or more. 

This information free. I have spent thousands of hours gathering it and maintaining this FAQ. If you find it valuable, and are moved to contribute a buck or three, send a contribution to Bill Dawes, 632 Hagan Avenue, New Orleans, LA 70119. Thank you!

 CONTENTS How do I get a breeding pair? I know that quarantine is a good way to avoid sick fish. Can you describe a good procedure? How can I tell the males from the females? What is a spawning slate? What should I feed my Angels? What about water? What's the best temperature for Angels? How do I know when they're ready to spawn? Can I raise baby Angels in a community tank? Can the pair raise their own young? What's the ideal setup for a breeding pair? What's the ideal setup for fry? How can I count the eggs? What happens during the first week? How do I hatch brine shrimp for feeding Angel fry? How do I get rid of 100%20 young Angels every week? How can I make good pictures of my Angels? My angels are sick / dying. What can I do? Where can I get more information? I know a better way: how can I con ...

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