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Knifefish belong to two order S : Gymnotiformes and Osteoglossiforms. Members of these orders are generallylarge with strong lateral compression and elongated bodies. A long fin, often formed by the junctionof the anal and caudal fin, is common to Knifefish.

The order Gymnotiformes includes the family Gymnotidae, which is made up of six sub-families;Apteronotinae, Electrophorinae, Gymnotinae, Hypopominae, Rhamphichthyinae, and Sternopyginae. Three of these sub-families are includedin the book, Apteronotinae, Gymnotinae, and Rhamphichthyinae.

The Apteronotinae or Speckled Knifefish family inhabits freshwater habitats of South America. Thesefish are laterally compressed with a long anal fin which is moved in an undulating motion. The caudal fin is very small and slender. Thesefish possess a weak electrical organ at the caudal penuncle used for locating food in water with poor visibility. Theanus is located on the underside of the head.

Ghost Knife Fish, Black Ghost Knife Fish, Speckled Knife Fish [ Pictures ]
Apteronotus albifrons
SYN : Sternarchus albifrons; Sternarchusmaximiliani
PD : An e ...
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