FAQs on Knifefish Identification

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FAQs on Knifefish Identification

Related Articles: Knifefishes, Gymnarchus, Electrogenic Fishes,

Related FAQs: Knifefishes 1, Knifefishes 2, Knifefish Behavior, Knifefish Compatibility, Knifefish Selection, Knifefish Systems, Knifefish Feeding, Knifefish Disease, Knifefish Reproduction, Electrogenic Fishes,

Steatogenys duidae
       I was wondering whether you might know anything
about a certain Knifefish "Steatogenys duidae", I saw
it listed as the Centipede Knifefish at "Zang exotic
Fish Company" but can't find information about it
anywhere else, (and i think a seller's information
should always be treated as a little suspect just to
be safe). I know you should always research a fish
before you even consider buying it but this species
has got me stumped. Would it work in a 55gal community
Thank you
    J Dunlap  

Continue to read all article at : http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/knifeIDFAQs.htm

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