Plant Spawning Killifish is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its content.

Plant Spawning Killifish Plant Spawning Killifish are usually spawned in one of two main methods, the Natural Method and The Mop Method.
The Mop Method
Eamples Of Plant Spawning Killies         The Mop Method uses a mop made of about 25 to 50 strands of yarn tied together, sometimes with a cork or some other kind of floatation device attached. Conditioned breeders are added along with a mop or two to an otherwise bare tank and left for a period of about two weeks. The eggs are picked daily, off the strands of yarn, carefully by hand, and placed in a small covered container such as a petri dish or well cleaned baby food jar. Watch the eggs and remove any that might fungus up, to prevent contaminating the other eggs. In a few days you will notice the eggs beginning to "eye up", develope. They should be ready to hatch in about two weeks.
        The individual fry have the inconvenient habit of hatching at slightly different times, so it might be a weeks difference between the time when the first fry hatches and the last fry hatches. The fry are placed into a rearing tank of their own and fed small live foods such as baby brine shrimp and /or micro worms from the first day. They can be gradually weaned over to other more conventional foods such as flakes, freeze drie ...
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