Opaline (Blue) Gourami

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Categories : , English, Aquarium, GOURAMIS, Blue Gourami, Trichogaster trichopterus, Opaline Gourami, Trichogaster trichopterus,
Trichogaster trichopterus

Quick Stats:   Opaline (Blue) Gourami

Family: Belontiidae
Range: South China Sea; Malaysia
Size: Up to 6 inches
Diet: Omnivore
Tank Set-up: Freshwater: Densely planted, rocks, driftwood
Tank Conditions: 72-82°F; pH 6.0-8.8; dH 5-35
Minimum Tank Capacity: 20 gallons
Light: Medium
Temperament: Semi-Aggressive
Swimming Level: Top to middle
Care Level: Easy
Reproduction: Egg Layer - Bubblenest Builder

The Opaline Gourami is also known as the Marbled Gourami, and is a color variation of the Blue or Three-Spot Gourami. The Opaline Gourami is silvery pale-blue, with darker blue markings. This gourami is a rather peaceful fish that is very comical to watch as a juvenile. It is considered a labyrinth fish. Although it is equipped with gills, it also has a special organ which allows it to breathe directly from the air. As a result, it must have access to the surface of the water in the aquarium.

The Opaline Gourami is compatible with a variety of tank mates that are of similar size and temperament. While males can be territorial with each other, they become timid around other, more aggressive fish. The ideal tank set-up would be a minimum of 20 gallons and have plenty of live plants, as well as rocks and driftwood for use as hiding places.

The best way to differentiate between the male and female Opal ...

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