African Pygmy Angelfish is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its content.

Categories : , Languages, English, Aquarium, MARİNA FİSHES, Angelfishes, African Flameback Angelfish,
Common Name  -  African Pygmy Angelfish Scientific name  -   Centropyge acanthops Appearance  -  Dark metallic blue body with a wide bright orange strip from entire head extending across back. Often has a blue ring around the eye. Size ranges between 1 inch to 3 inches. I think they are very attractive and the blue ring around the eye accentuates the personal contact Location  -  East coast of Africa, extending from the southern tip up to the arab coast of Oman Comments  -  It quite closely resembles C. Aurantonotus. Other than origin the difference between the two, according to Scott Michael, is C. Acanthops has dark blue caudal fin. I have to admit without a book I would have a hard time telling the difference. I do not believe many fish come in from this part of the world as I do not recall seeing these fish offered. As with all centropyge these fish also enjoy coral and rocky areas.  ...
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