Barbus tetrazona, Bleeker, 1855

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Barbus tetrazona, Bleeker, 1855

Origin:Indonesia; Sumatra.

Etymology: Tetra=four, zona=bands.

Synonyms:Puntius tetrazona, Barbus sumatranus(Not an official synonym, but the fish has been known under this name for many years).

First European import:Unclear, an import in the Netherlands in 1935 is reported.

Description:See picture, although it doesn't do the animals justice. Even debatable if the fish are tetrazona. Will check later.

Care: Larger tanks, 80 cm minimum, with densely planted zones, and neutral to slightly acidic water. The fish should be kept in schools, minimum 4 animals, but 6-8 is better. The fish are suitable for the community tank, although they shouldn't be kept with long finned fancy fish, since they will nip at their fins. Since the fish will constantly play and swim around, some quiet peaceful fish may get stressed if they are kept together with Barbus tetrazona.

Temperature:24-27 degrees.

Feeding:Omnivorous, all food is taken.

Size: Up to 7cm, but in aquariums usually smaller, 5-6 cm.

pH: 6.0-7.5

Breeding:Difficult. The fish require soft acidic water, temperature 25/26 degrees. Very frequent waterchanges and strong live food, densely planted darkened tank, not too small. Even if all is well, the pair still has to be a pair, not every "Pair"will mate. If the fish do mate, up to 200 eggs will be laid, and afterwards the parents should be removed

Sexual dimorphism:Males posses brighter colors, although the difference in juveniles and in shops is really hard to see..

Prices:Netherlands 1-1.5€.

Additional: Is any information available on where the original Barbus sumatranus Bleeker went to? It's not reported by Kottelat et al(1993) in Indonesia. A description from Werner in 1939 of B. sumatranus is more likely to refer to Barbus anchisporus, since he only described red in the dorsal and ventral fins.

Picture references: All pictures: E. Naus.

References:Baensch, H. A., Riehl, R.(1982): Aquarien Atlas I. Mergus Verlag, Melle, Germany.(click on the link to buy this book)Baensch, H. A., Riehl, R.(1985): Aquarien Atlas II. Mergus Verlag, Melle, Germany.Werner, K.(1939): Kamer-Aquaria. N. V. Kosmos, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.Lodewijks, J. M.(1960): Stille pracht in het tropische aquarium, N. V. Koek- en Beschuitfabriek v/h G. Hille & Zn, Zaandam, The Netherlands.Oskam, H. C.(1955): Geschubde Exoten, Van Holkema en Warendorf N. V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

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