BARBUS TETRAZONA is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its content.


(Tiger Barb) The species Barbus tetrazona is not a cichlid. It belongs to the Family Cyprinidae (carp-like fishes). Its common name is "Tiger barb" and one just needs to take one glance in the photos above to find out why. There are three color morphs of this species. The normal one (silver body with black vertical stripes) the green (green body with black vertical stripes) and the albino (yellow body with white patches in the place of the stripes). In the lower photo one albino tiger barb is visible. Although not cichlids these are among the best fish for a beginner and, why not, the advanced aquarist. This species is characterized by a number of advantages very rarely seen in other species. They are very social schooling fish (you should always keep more than six of them, a dozen is prefe ...
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