Tiger Barb Information

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Tiger Barbs originally come from Indonesia.  They are known by the scientific names Barbus tetrazona, Puntius tetrazona and Capoeta tetrazona.  Tiger Barbs are easy to keep and very active.  They are also found in a Green and a Gold variety.  Tiger Barbs like to swim in groups, so 8 or more are recommended for a tank.  They prefer bushy plants and lots of open swimming area.  Tiger Barbs are fin nippers, so don't mix them with slow moving fish such as many of the tetra group, guppies or bettas.  They eat standard flake foods and freeze dried blood worms.

Females can be recognized by the heavier bodies when laden with eggs.  Males tend to have red on their fin tips.  For breeding, a separate tank should be used.  Temperatures should be near 80.  Separating the male and female before breeding will help.  Tiger Barbs will spread adhesive eggs all over the aquarium.  After spawning, the parents should be removed.  The fry will hatch in a few days.  Brine shrimp is best for feeding the fry, although finely crushed flakes will work.

 Scientific Name:   Barbus tetrazona
 Family:   Cyprinid
 Temperature:   20 - 29 C; 68 - 85 F
 pH   6.0 - 8.0
 Size:    7 cm; 3 inches
 Life Span:    5 - 7 years
 Breeding:    Normal, Egg Layer