Blue Acara

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Family: Cichlidae

Aequidens pulcher

Photo: Exotic Tropicals

   An extremely beautiful fish with a mostly steel blue-gray coloration, they are a hardy and fun fish to keep. The Blue Acara is an old time favorite as they spawn easily and make excellent parents, taking very good care of their fry!

What's in the name?
 "equal teeth"

   The Blue Acara has a more broad forehead than other Acara species and is a bit more courteous than the others as well. Though a more peaceful member of the Cichlid family, the Blue Acara is apt to bully smaller fish. They should be kept with the same size or larger fish.

   They like a tank bottom of fine sand and plenty of hiding places among rocks and wood. Plants are appreciated, but the Blue Acara love to dig and can uproot them. Hardy plants such as Sagittaria and Vallisneria are best, and should be potted to protect the roots. They do need frequent water changes as their excretions will cloud the water and promote disease.

   The Blue Acara will breed every two weeks on a regular basis if the fry are removed shortly after hatching. They are excellent parents though, and will not harm the fry if you do leave them in the aquarium.

For more Information on keeping this fish see:
Guide to a Happy, Healthy Freshwater Aquarium

Care and feeding:
   Since they are carnivores, the Blue Acara needs protein foods. They will eat live foods such as bloodworms, earthworms, and tubifex. They may also eat frozen foods (such as brine shrimp or blood worms) as well as protein flakes or tablets.

   The Blue Acara are found in South America, Colombia, Venezuela, and Trinidad.

Size - Weight:
   These fish get up to 8 inches (20 cm) and will breed at 4 inches.

Social Behaviors:
   They are usually only kept with other fish at least their own size. Although not overly aggressive, the Blue Acara are monogamous and will pair off, developing a strong nuclear family. They get territorial when spawning and also may burrow and damage plants at that time.

Sexual Differences:
   Although it is usually very difficult to tell, the male has a more pointed dorsal and anal fins than the female.

Water Region: Top, Middle, Bottom:
   These fish will swim in all areas of the aquarium.

Acceptable Water Conditions:
   Hardness: to 25° dGH
   Ph: 6.5 to 8.0
   Temp: 72-85° F 22-30° C

   Suggested water conditions: temperature 26-28°, low hardness 3-10° dGH, and pH 6.5-7.0.
   The Blue Acara are egg layers. A monogamous cichlid, the female lays the eggs on carefully cleaned rocks. See a general description of how these fish breed in Breeding Freshwater Fish.

   The Blue Acara is available from time to time and is inexpensive.

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