Pentazona barb

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Pentazona barb

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Common name Pentazona barb

Photos © Sean Evans

Scientific name Barbus pentazona
Synonyms Five banded barb, Barbus/Capoeta pentazona (not valid)
Size Up to 2" (5cm)
Origin S.E. Asia: Borneo, Malayan peninsula, Singapore.
Tank setup Planted tank with plenty of cover for this timid shoaling species. Avoid overly bright lighting, or provide shade.
Compatibility A peaceful community fish, may be timid in the presence of more boisterous fish. Keep in a shoal.
Temperature 23-26oC (73-79oF)
Water chemistry Fairly soft, slightly acidic preferred (pH 6.5-7), especially for breeding
Feeding Omnivorous, most foods accepted, but prefers small live/frozen foods.
Sexing Males tend to be more colourful and are smaller and slimmer than females
Breeding Typical egg scatterer, but not easy to breed. Maintain the breeding tank at the upper end of the temperature range.
Comments This fish has a pattern similar to the Tiger barb, but does not share the reputation of that species for fin-nipping, and is therefore a good alternative for the peaceful community tank.