Red Line Torpedo barb

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Red Line Torpedo barb

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Common name Red Line Torpedo barb

Photo taken at Wharf Aquatics
© Sean Evans

Scientific name Puntius denisonii
Synonyms Barbus, Crossocheilus, Labeo denisonii (not valid), Denison barb, Red Line Barb, Red Comet barb
Size 6" (15cm)
Origin India
Tank setup Larger tank (3ft plus) with plenty of swimming space, use robust plants. Keep water well oxygenated with a good flow rate.
Compatibility Keep with other lively community species
Temperature 18-25oC (64-77oF)
Water chemistry Fairly soft to slightly hard, around neutral (pH 6.5-7.5)
Feeding Omnivorous, most foods accepted. Soft-leaved plants are likely to be eaten.
Sexing Unknown
Breeding Not yet achieved in captivity.
Comments A very striking barb species, which is now becoming more available in the aquarium trade, although it is considered endangered in the wild.