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Photo Credit: Gerhard Müller-Lang

Name: Barbus titteya
Size TankpHTemp Origin: Sri Lanka
4 cm 40 L 6.6 28°C The Cherry Barb is an attractive, peaceful fish. It makes an excellent community fish and is best if kept in groups of 6 or more. I say groups because while the cherry barb does enjoy company of others of its species, it does not school as tightly as most barbs and tetras, if it schools at all. Another advantage to keeping them in groups is you will be able to see the males' bright red colors and their little dance. Two males in the tank (usually the two largest) will erect their fins and swim in a circle, like two boxers. Many barbs do this and this causes the males to show their best colors. The females are easy to distinguish, once they are older. They are much lighter in color, usually just with some yellow and a light orange/black horizontal band. The female is also a lot plumper than the male. All in all, the cherry barb is an excellent community fish and makes an attractive addition to any tank. Contributed by Ryan Lemburg I had 4 cherry barbs, 3 females and 1 male. I had them for about 6 months and then the male turned very bright red. Luckily I read books before about breeding and found out they were going to mate so I put all four of them in my 10 gallon tank that was planted thickly with Cabomba. I put them in there and almost instantly they were laying eggs. I stayed up ...

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