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Photo Credit: Gerhard Müller-Lang I bought five cherry barbs, and they are all so happy. I have 3 males and 2 females. One of the females is much bigger than the other four, and they all follow her around. I also have 3 Elegant Corys and 3 Harlequin Rasboras in that tank. They all get along great. I must say that the big female cherry barb is my favorite of all my fish in that tank. She recognizes me, and comes up to greet me when I stand near the tank. She's such a sweetheart. She even breaks up the fights when the males get aggressive (which isn't very often). I must say that cherry barbs are some of the most hardy of my fish (second only to corys), and they're laid back but inquisitive nature makes them so much fun to watch. Contributed by Jeremy Davis I bought a cherry barb at a pet store one day. He was a puny thing, the only one in the tank, and I felt bad for him so I wanted to give him a good home. He was a nice deep red, and he outlived all of my other fish, and survived many tank transfers and relocations. I named him Pike, and he lived for six years. I had no idea that tropical fish could be so long-lived. Tonight, I came in to feed him, and I found that the heater in his 20 liter tank had malfunctioned. It overheated the tank, and Pike was dead. I just wanted to share with other readers the joy Pike gave me. He was with me for so long, I thought he would always be there. I never expected to be so attached to a fish, but after h ...
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