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Gold Barb

Name: Barbus sachsi Origin: Southeast Asia
Size Tank pH Temp 8 cm 100 L 7.0 26°C These fish are excellent beginner's fish. They are very hardy and will easily survive through most water quality problems. They can be quick and aggressive eaters at feeding time, so care has to be taken that all fish have enough food to eat, but that can be accounted for by monitoring the amount of time that food is present in the tank. Because they have not been commercially over-bread like so many other popular hardy breeds like danios, they have retained a great deal of their natural instinct. They still retain their mating coloring and behavior (one person has claimed that it can still be predicted by the cycle of the moon). This is when they are most interesting to watch. The males with their green tinted sheen and orange-red colored bellies court the females. To enjoy this behavior, it is necessary to have at least 6 of these fish...I have 10. Very few of the readily available, hardy breeds of fish will actually school in an aquarium setting - this is one of them. Contributed by Dan Hogan I have 3 gold barbs in a 110 L with 13 various tetras and they are very peaceful. Dan is absolutely correct about the feeding behavior. The 2 females are incredible eaters (no offence, ladies) and in order to get enough food to the tetras, I have to overfeed them. From the front they are shaped like a submarine. They are so ...

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