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Golden Barb
Puntius semifasciolatus Also Known As:Chinese barb, Schubert's barb, Green barb, Half-Striped barb; Barbus semifasciolatus, Barbus schuberti General Information: The golden barb lives for about 5-7 years. They are a great fish for the community aquarium. They are a schooling fish, and should ideally be kept in groups no less than 6. They are a metallic yellow or green, with a reddish-brown back and a brassy color underneath. Their belly's are whitish, but turn orange in males during spawning season. There are, however, many color variations. They also have a pair or barbels on the upper jaw. They originally came from Asia, though there is a golden variety which is not found in the wild.
Care Information: The golden barb likes to have a pretty densely planted tank, about half to two-thirds planted, with the rest as open swimming space. They are pretty hardy fish, and can survive in a wide range of water conditions, though they prefer soft, slightly acidic water. Good lighting and oxygenation are also beneficial. Since they are omnivorous, they will take just about any form of food they are provided with, but they may also ...
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