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Scientific Name: Pantodon buchholzi Peters
Synonyms: None
Common Names: African Butterfly Fish
Region: West and Central Africa
Maximum Size: 15cm (5.9 inches) TL
pH Range and Hardness: Tolerant of a range of pH and hardness; prefers neutral to slightly acidic water
Temperature Range: Decidedly tropical; between 74 - 84 degrees Fahrenheit

Pantodon buchholzi is the only member of the Family Pantodontidae which is included in the Order Osteoglossiformes. The Osteoglossids are a group of 'primitive' fish which are represented by the Arowanas, the Gymnarchid Knife Fish (Aba Aba), the Mormyrids (Elephant Noses), the Notopterid Knife Fish and the Arapaima (one of the largest of all freshwater fish).

Habitat and Niche
The African Butterfly Fish is an inhabitant of ponds, lakes, swamps and the slow-moving parts of rivers. It is strictly a surface dweller and feeder and has an amazing capacity for jumping. The primary food of P. buchholzi is insects, though it will consume smaller fish that it finds at the water's surface.

The exotic appearance of the African Butterfly Fish has made it an aquarium favorite since its introduction to the hobby in 1905. One of its most obvious characteristics is the broad span of the enormous pectoral fins which resemble the wings of a butterfly (and from whi ...

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