Leporinus fasciatus

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Leporinus fasciatusScientific Name: Leporinus fasciatus
Family: Anostomidae
Origin: Central and South America
Adult Size: 12 inches (30 cm)
Social: Peaceful in community tanks, but grows very large.
Lifespan: 5%20 years
Tank Level: Mid to Bottom dweller
Minimum Tank Size: 55 gallons
Diet: Herbivore, prefers fresh food
Breeding: Egglayer
Care: Difficult
pH: 5.5 - 7.5
Hardness: to 20 dGH
Temperature: 72-79 F (22-26 C)

Not all Leporinus carry the distinctive yellow and black stripes seen in the species most fishowners are familiar with. However only the striped varieties Leporinus fasciatus and Leporinus affinis are usually offered for sale.

Not all Leporinus carry the distinctive yellow and black stripes seen in the species most fishowners are familiar with. However only the striped varieties Leporinus fasciatus and Leporinus affinis are usually offered for sale. zSB(3,3);if(!z336){var zIsb=gEI("adsb");if(zIsb){zIsb.style.display="inline";zIsb.style.height="0px";zIsb.style.width="0px";}var zIss=gEI("adss");if(zIss){zIss.style.display="inline";zIss.style.height="0px";zIss.style.width="0px";}}Sponsored Links Fresh Water GeneratorSpares, Plates, Gasked, New FWG Nirex JWP-26/36, Atlas DK, Sasakurawww.nordtec.com Custom Made AquariumsTurnkey HighEnd Custom Installation Marin ...

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