Melanotaenia splendida inornata (Splendid Rainbowfish) is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its content.

Photo for Melanotaenia splendida inornata Photo Copyright: jill_johansen Melanotaenia splendida inornata (Splendid Rainbowfish)Class:Actinopterygii (ray-finned fishes) Order:Atheriniformes (rainbowfishes, silversides) Family:Melanotaeniidae Scientific Name:Melanotaenia splendida inornata Other Scientific Name(s):Aida inornata, Aristeus cavifrons, Aidapora carteri Common Name:Splendid Rainbowfish Other Common Names:Checkered rainbowfish Distribution:Caspian Sea (more common in the northern and central parts). Diet: Temperament:peaceful, and amorous most rainbows will try to mate with anything that swims and is approximately the same size. Sexing: Breeding:egg scatterer. usually over a plant, preferably java fern or java moss (they seem to prefer java fern and moss over anything else, also native to their habitat in the wild) artifical wool spawning mops can be used as well. Special Care: Other Comments:This particular species is quite an aquarium plant nibbler. They seem to *especially* enjoy Vals. I can't keep vals in my tank because of this one fish, it will strip even a very thick long bunch of vals to nothing in a couple weeks tops. Other plants it treats as more snack food and doesn't do any serious damage.

Often passed over in stores because it's not as brightly coloured as some of the other varieties of fish. but the rainbow has has a subtle beauty which is quite pleasing. and for any rainbow, what you see in the stores is usually not ...

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