Phenacogrammus interruptus (Congo Tetra) is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its content.

Exodon paradoxus (Bucktoothed Tetra)Class:Actinopterygii (ray-finned fishes) Order:Characiformes (characins, hatchetfishes) Family:Characidae Scientific Name:Exodon paradoxus Other Scientific Name(s):Hystricodon paradoxus, Epicyrtus exodon Common Name:Bucktoothed Tetra Other Common Names:Bucktooth tetra Distribution:Asia: Afghanistan and Baluchistan southward to Sri Lanka and eastward to Indonesia. Diet:live fish, live worms, may sometimes accept frozen food. Temperament:Definitly NOT FOR THE COMMUNITY AQUARIUM! they are carnivores, and will attack many fish, including oscars! keep as a shoal of 12 or more fish in a speies tank. Sexing: Breeding:to trigger spaning, do a 35% water change with water of a pH of 6.5, tempaure of 82*F daily.(in the main tank). condition the fish with live minnows.Do the water changes, and feeding for 3 weeks.After 3 weeks, select the most colorful, healthy male and female(! pair per tank!!!!). Females are MUCH plumper by now. the breeding tank should be 45" long. the water level should be 3". Decorate the breeding tank with copra grass and 4 leafed clovers. Remove the parants after the eggs are laid (they love caviar).The eggs are a pinkish color.They hatch in 48 hours. the fry are cannablistic, so only the VERY toughest will survive.Feed the fry on brine shrimp nauplii for 1 week. next, feed them baby livebearers in VERY large quanities for 3 weeks. next, feed feeder guppies in VERY large quanities for 2 we ...
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