Genus Rasbora is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its content.

Genus Rasbora
Primary freshwater fish; oviparous; carnivorous (primarily insectivorous); gregarious. Slender to slightly rhomboid-shaped cyprinids which lack barbels.

The rasboras are among the most popular of all aquarium fishes, their sleek appearance, often bright colours and lively habits endearing them to aquarists all round the world. Many popular species (e.g., Harlequin Rasboras) have been bred in the aquarium and are an important part of the ornamental fish trade. Almost all species are pelagic, swimming continuously.

Two-Spot Rasbora with clear spots Two-spot Rasbora
Rasbora elegans
Ikan Seluang,

13 cm; surface to midwater dweller. Indigenous, common. Forest streams.

This is Singapore's largest and most common native rasbora. It is often seen in aquaria, although not much sought after, probably
Two-Spot Rasbora with faded spots
Photo: Tan Bee Hong due to its large size and fairly dull coloration. The prominent spots on the side of the body are varia ...
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