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Silver Lyretail Molly
Gold Molly
Silver Balloon Molly
Poecilia sphenops    The colorful active Molly, Short-finned Molly, Sailfin Molly, or Mexican Sailfin Molly has long held the position of being a most popular fish because it is peaceful, relatively hardy, inexpensive, and readily bred!

   The pictures here show the Short-finned Molly with a gold and silver color and the lyretail and balloon varieties. Mollies come in four main colors; green, black, silver, and gold. There is also commonly available a silver molly with black spots that is call the Dalmation Molly and a Marbled Molly with the same (white and black) colors.

   The Molly, Short-finned Molly, Sailfin Molly, or Mexican Sailfin Molly are strictly American fish, found only on the continents of North and South America. The first Molly was introduced to the hobby 1899 and hybrids began being produced in the 1920's.

   Wild caught mollies fall into two groups. The first group is the common molly with small fins, know as the Short-finned Molly, P. sphenops. The second group is the sailfin molly with large fins which includes two species, the Sailfin Molly, P. latipinna, and the Mexican Sailfin ...

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