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  Life Span Mature Fry Gestation 1480 100 30   Aquazone Scale Raising Easy Normal Slightly Difficult Difficult Very Difficult Breeding Easy Normal Slightly Difficult Difficult Very Difficult     AZ Pool Scale   Raising 1 2 3 4 5 Breeding 1 2 3 4 5   Breeding Info Water Temperature  25 C PH  7.1 - 8.0 GH  8  - 10 NH3  less than 2.0 Light Setting 8 on/ 10 off  Feedings  every 8 hours     Extra Info  Black Mollies are easy to breed and will breed often as long as the GH level is correct. As always put many plants around the aquarium (in the back and sides are best) because they need secluded places to mate. (ALL FISH ARE SHY!) Though it is hardly uncommon to have 8 to 10 fry at birth it is also possible to have as little as two or three. Make sure there is enough food when the fry arrive because if they start to starve they WILL eat each other. About the day or so before the fry are to arrive remove all fish from the tank EXCEPT the mother (duh). These fish will breed more often when there are many fi ...
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