Poecilia sphenops

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Molly Scientific name: Poecilia sphenops Silver lyretail molly Photo Taken by Robert W. Marda Personality Mollies are peaceful fish and are perfect for community tanks. They don’t care who they share a tank with as long as the other fish don’t pick on them. They seldom bother other fish. The few cases I have seen, they simply tried to block the path of a fish for a few seconds. If you have more than one male you may need to have more than one female per male. One pair is fine.

These fish quickly realize that food appears soon after they can see you near the tank. They will notice your approach and come to the part of the tank nearest you in anticipation of food. While waiting they will pace the tank near where you are and wiggle their body like a happy puppy. They will follow you (or your finger) from one side of the tank to the other. When you lift the lid they often shoot to the surface like little rockets. These displays are enhanced when you have 3 or more mollies.

Mollies are most active when the tank lights are on. They will swim at all levels in a fish tank. Some will rest on the bottom of the tank, others near the top.

Some mollies will learn to eat from your fingers. Almost all the mollies born in my tanks would eat from my fingers. They have lost their fear of fingers. Colors, Size, types, and Availability This species can be identified by ...
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