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There are now 'saltwater' Mollies available that are already raised in a seawater environment. They are bold micro and macroalgae grazers and make peaceful tankmates. My thanks to Sheila and Jeremy Sellinger of Saltwater Mollies for the following information and the attached photos of some of the available strains. Dear Bob, Mollies are a group of fish that once occupied their own genus, Molliensia, which is now part of the genus Poecilia, and includes mollies and guppies. The most common mollies include Sailfin Mollies (P. latipinna, P. velifera) and the sphenops Molly (P. sphenops), also known as the Short-Finned Molly. Wild Sailfin mollies (P. latipinna), usually referred to as green sailfin mollies, are native to most of the southern coast of the USA, especially in brackish water. Other molly species are found in Central and South America. Many of the various molly colors seen in pet shops are due to selective breeding that emphasized certain features and may have involved several species of mollies. Available marine varieties include the Green Sailfin Molly (wild), Silver Sailfin Molly, Black Sailfin Molly, Dalmation (Mottled) Sailfin Molly, Gold Sailfin Molly, Black Sphenops, Yucatan Mollies and others. The sailfin varieties tend to get larger than most others, - three to six inches long (7.5 - 15 cm), but are quite gentle with other fish. The Yucatan mollies tend to remain small, about two inches (5 cm). Mollies are often portrayed a ...

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