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The Swordtail

Scientific name: Xixphoporus helleri

Water conditions: hard alkaline water.

Temp: 70-85 degrees prefers warmer water but can survive as low as 65 degrees, though they certainly won't be to happy at these temps.

 The swordtail is one of those fish that is often recommended to a beginner. It is hardy, colorful, and easy to breed. But these fish must have tanks of at least 20 gallons. They usually will not breed in tanks smaller than this. The fry grow fast if given a spacious environment to grow. The male swordtail, maxing out at 4 inches in length (not including the sword) is a impressive fish. The females are large and bulky fish and they lack the sword of there male counterparts. Males often fight over territory and dominance, but its almost all bluff. The dominant male is usually the largest and he will mate with all the females and father most of the next generation. Many different varieties exist, hi fin, marigold, (a yellowish color) neon, ( a green fish with yellow fins) tuxedo, (a red fish with a black triangle going through it) green, (the wild type) and many many more. One particularly special strain is the double swordtail, in which the males have a sword on the bottom and a slightly shorter one on the top of there dorsal fin. The males and females have two swords, although the females are less defined. Extensions of the sort are also on the dorsal, pelvic, and anal fins. To make things short the ...

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