Xiphophorus hellerii

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Photo Credit: Alan Ferris

Name: Xiphophorus hellerii Origin: Central America
Size Tank pH Temp 13 cm 60 L 7.3 25°C There is much to share about the Xiphophorus hellerii (swordtail). The swordtail is a peaceful species and is desirable in the community tank. The male will reach 7-10 cm (including sword) and the female 7-10 cm. The wild swordtails are all a pale green color, but the domesticated hybrids you'll find in your local pet store will be a brighter green, red, painted, pinapple (yellowish), and many less common varieties. The sword is peculiar in that it can swim backwards as well as it can move forward and the male puts on quite a show during courtship, including circling and dancing backwards and forward around the female of choice. They breed like any livebearer and are very easy to breed and raise. Also of interest, the swordtail is very closely related to the Xiphophorus maculatus (platy) and cross breeding happens frequently, whether intentionally done for new color variations or whether they simply meet in the same tank for a drink. :-) Swordtails are not aggressive except during competition for a single female by more than one male and the male platy may have a few playful joists with the male swordtails with the same intentions in mind. Swordtails are hardy and do well in those "difficult" hard water/high Ph tanks. (Rearing and breeding are almost identical for the guppy, platy, swo ...

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