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An Eel With Whiskers? No, No! It's The Dojo Loach! Posted on Jul 09, 2002 - 01:34 AM by The AquaFriend!

At first this freshwater fish looks more like an eel that's been crossbred with a catfish! Some folks may find them creepy! Some may find them scary! And some people may avoid them because "they look like a snake!" Those folks don't know what they are missing! This fish is one of the liveliest, most entertaining, odd looking, peaceful fish you will ever find! And, would you believe that it can also predict the weather?! Believe it or not, it's one of my personal favorite freshwater critters: the Dojo Loach!

The dojo loach has been one of my personal favorite freshwater fish since I began in the freshwater fish hobby. In fact, they were the second species I bought for my very first tank. After purchasing two oscars, I noticed these eel looking creatures in a neighboring tank, and I was hooked. However, even after purchasing two of these critters, I still didn't know exactly what I had purchased.

The AquaFriend's first rule has always been to frequent your local pet store, and avoid those wall to wall discount marts. Those stores specialize in oil changes, tires, cds, dvds, clothing and food. Not fish. I found this out by experience, and it all started with my dojo loaches. At the time I purchased these loaches, I didn't have a local pet store to go to. If I wanted fish, I had to go to this wall to ...
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