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Summary : Loaches are bottom dwelling scavengers with very small mouths. Like catfish, they too have sensory fingers--or barbels. They are usually slender with worm-like bodies. They are inhabitants of rapid moving streams in Europe and Asia. Most species lack true scales. Due to their habitats, they often feed on tubifex worms which are found in streams of poor water quality. They are very hardy, well adaptive aquarium members. The true loaches--the Botia spp loaches--have spines beneath their eyes, which is why they are classified together.

Loaches are bottom dwelling scavengers with very small mouths. Like catfish, they too have sensory fingers--or barbels. They are usually slender with worm-like bodies. They are inhabitants of rapid moving streams in Europe and Asia. Most species lack true scales. Due to their habitats, they often feed on tubifex worms which are found in streams of poor water quality. They are very hardy, well adaptive aquarium members. The true loaches--the Botia spp loaches--have spines beneath their eyes, which is why they are classified together.
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