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Categories : , English, Aquarium, LOACHES & BOTIAS, Suckerbelly Loaches, Don Kuhns

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Whether labelled as "Chinese butterfly plecos", "Borneo suckers", "lizardfish", "flossensaugers", or one of their many other common names, hillstream loaches are definitely a standout among the usual array one would see at the local fish store. With their flattened bodies sticking to the front glass, like some kind of alien flounder, they catch the eye. Look close at some of them, and you can see their little hearts beating. They are a highly unusual fish, and to many aquarists, that equates to highly desirable. It's not surprising they have become a staple of the aquarium trade. An exchange of information about these fishes is long overdue, for though they are small, peaceful and hardy fishes, they are not for every tank.

First let me offer a disclaimer. I do not consider myself a "successful" keeper of hillstream loaches, for reasons I will explain later, or an "expert." However, after keeping them for about ten years, and gaining experience with at least five different species, not to mention reading everything I could get my eyeballs on, I seem to know more about them than most real aquarium experts. I am a hobbyist, and not what many would consider a "serious" one, either. I just really dig these fishes.

"Chinese butterfly plecos" are not plecos, nor are they tec ...

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