Size: Males often reach 4cm (1.5 in.). Females are somewhat larger and much heavier. Description: Both sexes have a pinkish body freckled with red and black spots and, usually, a red caudal. Males tend to be more colorful. Both sexes sport a hifin (elongated) dorsal, but the male's tends to be larger.
Environment: This fish tolerates pHs from 6.5 to 8.0 while preferring the higher end (basic) of this range. Water hardness is not critical, but it prefers hard water. Optimum temperature ranges from 20-30°C (68-85°F). Geographic Range: This fish has no natural range, but of its ancestors hail from Mexican and Central America.
Temperament: This fish is not aggressive and is active. It can be kept either in a single species aquarium or in active community aquaria with rainbowfish, other livebearers or other fish with similar behavior and r ...