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Paludarium Articles;

Paludarium and Green Water Bloom

To: Aquatic-Plants at actwin_com Subject: Paludarium and Green Water Bloom From: krandall at (Karen A Randall) Date: Sun, 20 Aug 1995 17:23:05 -0400 Subject: Paludarium As Rhonda mentioned, I am also a ...

Categories : , Aquarium, Paludarium,

Paludarium Design

Paludarium Design Techniques or How to Make a Killer Aquarium that will Blow you Away © 1993 Joe Jaworski   Introduction ...

Categories : , Aquarium, Paludarium,

Paludarium gifts brighten, enlighten biology's nooks

Terry Devitt Room 118 of the old Genetics Building is a portal to Wisconsin biology education. As the home of the Institute for Cross-College Biology Education, it is a place where prospective and current students are counseled, and ...

Categories : , Aquarium, Paludarium,


I want to get a ribbon snake because my mom won't let me get a rodent eater. I would like to give him a paludarium in a 30 gallon aquarium. Any suggestions? Additional Details2 weeks ago how woul ...

Categories : , Aquarium, Paludarium,

Setting up a Paludarium

Due to a move in December 2001 I am no longer running this set up. It was really starting to take off, with lush plant growth. The animals were settling in nicely as well. I hope to have it up and running in the future. ...

Categories : , Aquarium, Paludarium,

What is a Paludarium?

If you've been to a pet shop recently, you've no doubt seen a paludarium. Visitors to the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago have seen paludariums on a large scale. Scratching your head and wondering what they are? The term paludarium comes from the latin ...

Categories : , Aquarium, Paludarium,

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