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Hobby Articles;


Categories : Hobby, Origami, Technique, English,

A sitting bird

A sitting bird 1a Fold the triangular paper as shown in the pictures whit the left on the right corner. 1b Then fold them back. 1c..1e Repeat 1a..1b but now do this with the top to the bottom corner. The folding lines b ...

Categories : , English, Hobby, Origami, Diagrams,

How to fold a heart

How to fold a heart 1a Fold the 45 degrees rotated square piece of paper vertically. Use the vertical line as fold axis. 1b Fold it back to the original shape. 1c Fold the piece of paper horizontally. Use the horizontal line as ...

Categories : , English, Hobby, Origami, Diagrams,

praying mantis


Categories : , English, Hobby, Origami, Technique, English,

The valley fold

The valley fold The RED, dotted line is the folding line. This line indicates where you have to fold the paper. The arrow indicates in which direction you have to fold. Now, fold the paper towards you. Whe ...

Categories : English, Hobby, Origami, Basics,

Using Gold Leaf

Using Gold Leaf The application of gold leaf to fabric is a unique way to accent origami. Craft and art supply stores sell inexpensive packets containing several sheets of leaf. It comes in a variety of metallic ...

Categories : Hobby, Origami, Technique, English,



Categories : , English, Hobby, Origami, Diagrams,



Categories : English, Hobby, Origami, Diagrams,



Categories : , English, Hobby, Origami, Diagrams,

Barn Swallow


Categories : , Hobby, Origami, Technique, English,

Blue Base fold

Blue Base fold first you fold the green base fold Fold the sides at the top paper to the middle of the paper as shown in the picture. Do the same with the bottm side of the paper. ...

Categories : , English, Hobby, Origami, Basics,



Categories : , English, Hobby, Origami, Diagrams,



Categories : Hobby, Origami, Technique, English,



Categories : , English, Hobby, Origami, Diagrams,



Categories : , English, Hobby, Origami, Diagrams,



Categories : , English, Hobby, Origami, Diagrams,



Categories : , English, Hobby, Origami, Diagrams,



Categories : English, Hobby, Origami, Diagrams,



Categories : , English, Hobby, Origami, Diagrams,



Categories : , English, Hobby, Origami, Diagrams,

Five Intersecting Tetrahedra

This visually stunning object should be a familiar sight to those who frequent the landscapes of M.C. Escher or like to thumb through geometry textbooks. To construct an origami version it is essential to have a good understanding of ...

Categories : , English, Hobby, Origami, About the object, English,

Flower Form


Categories : , English, Hobby, Origami, Diagrams,

Frog on a Lily Pad


Categories : , Hobby, Origami, Technique,

Green Base fold

Green Base fold Fold the right bottom corner to the right upper corner and the left top to right bottom undo the folds after folding them. First fold the bottom side of the paper to the top undo this fold. ...

Categories : , English, Hobby, Origami, Basics,

How to fold a BOX

How to fold a BOX Fold one corner of your square piece of paper towards the opposite corner. You've now made the first diagonal fold. Repeat this for the remaining corners of the paper. Fold the paper ...

Categories : , English, Hobby, Origami, Diagrams,

How to fold a swan

How to fold a swan First of all fold the square piece of paper diagonal and rotate it 45 degrees. Now, fold the upper half along the upper dotted line axis. Fold the lower half along the lower dotted line axis. ...

Categories : , English, Hobby, Origami, Diagrams,



Categories : , English, Hobby, Origami, Technique, English,



Categories : , English, Hobby, Origami, Technique,

Loosely Tower


Categories : , English, Hobby, Origami, Diagrams,

Menger's sponge

Menger's sponge Menger's sponge is a well known example of 3 D (more accurate 2.73 D) fractal. It's a spatial counterpart of the Sierpinski carpet. To obtain the Menger sponge perform the following steps: Get a cube. You ...

Categories : Hobby, Origami, Technique, English,

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