Leopard Danio, Brachydanio frankei Category;

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Leopard Danio, Brachydanio frankei Articles;

Aquarium Conditions

Most Danios & Devarios are quite active fish and appreciate plenty of swimming space. The larger the tank, the better they like it. If you are intending to keep a number of species, then a tank of minimum size 36 x 15 x 12 inches is required. A w ...

Breeding Danios and Devarios

Breeding Danios and Devarios There are many ways to breed the Danionins. Bearing in mind, that they are notorious for eating their own eggs the various methods used, all involve keeping fish and eggs apart. It has long bee ...

Breeding Zebra Danios

This time I'm going to talk about breeding the zebra fish. You will need a tank of at least 5 gallons (you can use smaller but it isn't too practical because of the large amount of babies you get). If you have a betta tank (long and narrow) all ...

Danio Factoids

Danio Factoids Origin India Tank Size Good ...

Danios and Devarios "New" Species

Danios and Devarios "New" Species Devario pathirana Danio kyathit Danio sp. red fin ...

Leopard Danio, Brachydanio frankei

The leopard danio is one of the most common danios found in pet stores. The fish is an overall metallic gold with blue-grey spots along the flanks. The scientific status of the leopard danio has been in question for many years. Some experts ...

Categories : English, Aquarium, DANIOS, Leopard Danio, Brachydanio frankei, R. Shane Lindler

Robyn's Zebra Danio Page

Robyn's Zebra Danio Page Last Updated: 01/04/06 Four long-finned zebra danios in my 40 gallon tank on 7/18/00. Short and Long-finned Zebra Danios, Blue Danios, Leopard Danios, and Gold (Albino Zebra) Danios Quick Informa ...

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