BREEDING BETTAS is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its content.

From Badmans Tropical Fish

I have kept and bred Bettas for quite some time. Many Betta keepers have asked me over and over about the correct way to do this for a successful spawn. These instructions should provide you with enough information to accomplish just that. Happy Betta Breeding!

The Breeding Pair:
Make sure that the male and female are relatively the same size. Females are usually somewhat smaller than the males, but do not try to breed a very young male or female with a much older mate. Someone will get hurt.

Condition the Pair:
Feed well, preferably with live food (brine shrimp) and keep their water very clean. Allow the two to see each other for a couple of days and then remove the female from the male's sight before placing him in the breeding tank.

Breeding Tank:
Use a small tank (I use 5 l/2 gallon) with approximately no more than 4-5 inches of conditioned water; a corner sponge filter; submersible heater set at 80; a plastic lid or piece of Styrofoam cup cut for the bubblenest; and plastic or live plants so the female can hide when needed. Do not have any rocks or substrate in this tank.
Put the male in first. Let him get used to his surroundings for about an hour or so. Then introduce the female by putting her in a hurricane globe so the male can't get to her right away. They should s ...
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