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Siamese Fighting Fish see Male or Female Betta Articles;


From Badmans Tropical Fish Aquarticles I have kept and bred Bettas for quite some time. Many Betta keepers have asked me over and over about the correct way to do this for a successful spawn ...


AGRESSIVE BEHAVIOUR Full-contact fighting between individuals of the same species is relatively rare in nature. Even during the mating season most disputes are decided without actual contact. This may not be believable to the average aquarist who ha ...

Betta Breeding

Bettas are bubble-nest breeders and are frequently bred in aquarium. If you wish to try breeding Betta you will have to start by obtaining a pair. The best method is usually to get at least two female Betta and two males. It is important that you sel ...

Betta Fish

Betta is one of several genera in the Family Osphronemidae. The most famous Betta is the Siamese Fighting fish (Betta splendens). The word Betta comes from a local Siamese name for Siamese Fighting fish, “Ikan Bettah”. The contemporary ...

Betta sp. Mahachai

Betta sp. Mahachai Story and pictures by Nonn Panitvong April 2002 (with thanks to Robert J Goldstein for bringing this story to our attention) One late afternoon in the October of 2001 ...

Betta Splendens: General Information and Breeding

In this article, I will try to enlighten you on the topic of the care and breeding of Betta splendens, also known as the Siamese Fighting Fish. The Siamese Fighting Fish originated in Thailand and Indonesia, where it lives in swamps and rice paddi ...


The Betta or Siamese Fighting Fish is one of the most popular aquarium fish in history. True to their common name, male bettas will fight viciously with one another in an aquarium where no escape is possible. One male, however, in a community tank ...

Feeding Bettas

Feeding Bettas Knowing the right way to feed your betta is fundamental, because not doing it right can have big consequences on your bettas health. Nothing is more stressful than dealing with a s ...

Mouthbrooding Betta of Thailand

Mouthbrooding Betta of Thailand Story and pictures by Nonn Panitvong April 2002 Betta splendens, or Siamese Fighting Fish (Pla Kat), is one of the most popular fish in the aquarium world, originally from Thailand ...

Spawning Betta splendens

Spawning Betta splendens by William E. Shreves, III Youngstown Aquarist Youngstown Area Tropical Fish Society   ...

The Labyrinth Fishes, Part III , The Bettas , Betta edithae

Edith’s betta has small eyes and short fins. The caudal fin is round. The fin rays extend beyond the edges. They are beige with three longitudinal stripes along the body. These stripes are visible only on occasion. When the female is ready to s ...

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