Shark Catfish, Colombian Shark Catfish [ Pictures ]
Arius seemani
SYN : Ariusjordani, Hexanematichthys seemani, Tachisurus seemaniSTYLE="mso-bidi-font-style : normal ; mso-spacerun : yes"> STYLE="mso-bidi-font-style : normal ; mso-spacerun : yes">
PD : The body is elongated and silver in color and the belly is white. The fins are black and white-tipped. Thehead is broad, with a large mouth.The eyes are large and protrude from the head. The Shark Catfish possesses three pairsof barbels; one on the upper jaw and two on the lower.The color contrasts fade with age.
SIZE : To 24" (60 cm) in nature, although rarely larger than 15" (38 cm) in captivity.
SS : Other Arius species
H : North, Central, and South America; estuaries of tidal rivers and lagoons from SouthernCalifornia to Peru on the Pacific Coast
A : bottom, middle
TANK : A 40" (102 cm) or 45-55 gallons (170-209 L) is sufficient for young individuals. Adultsneed a tank of at least 64" (163 cm) or 100-125 gallons (378-472 L). The tank should be well lighted, maybein a position to receive morning sun.A strong filter is necessary for a powerful current and a good turn-overrate. Provide many caves and hiding places.
WATER : pH 6.8-8 (7.6), 8-30 dH (16), 72-81°F (22-27°C). A 2% addition of salt is necessary. Thiscan be accomplished by addi ...
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