Featherfin Catfish, Synodontis eupterus

Lace Catfish, Synodontis nigrita

Upside-down Catfish, Synodontis nigriventris

Synodontis Katangae

Synodontis Robertsi

Synodontis sp. 'Black Pebble'



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A case of crossbreeding in Hypancistrus (L 136 x L 066)

Yann Fulliquet his is a little summary of what was observed during an acc ...

Extreme Catfish

by Garold W. Sneegas & Dean A. Hendrickson, Ph.D.

I taut I saw a taw a puddy tat

.Fish  ...

The Family Doradidae or "Talking Catfishes"

here are a number of catfish that belong to the family Doradidae. Quite often these fascinating catfish are referred to as "D ...

A Brief History of My Life : Part 1 - A Magnificent Catfish

Daphne C. Layley n my sixth birthday, a dear and well-meaning aunt (who, with the benefit of hinds ...

Aspidoras maculosus

spidoras maculosus is a small member of the family Callichthyidae, the armored catfish. Along with Corydoras and Brochis ...

Catfish Study Group (UK) Convention, 2006

Sometimes, looking back at things, I wonder how I managed to do anything in my life. Always late, always in a hurry, always having a million and one excellent reasons why I can’t do what I want to. But this was not an occasion to be misse ...

Collecting Cats

Dr David Sands discusses the positives and pitfalls of keeping cats and provides the essential background to some catfish types for the aquarist who is about to explore above and beyond their first community aquarium.

Shark Catfish, Colombian Shark Catfish , Ariusjordani, Hexanematichthys seemani

Shark Catfish, Colombian Shark Catfish [ Pictures ] Arius seemani SYN : Ariusjordani, Hexanematichthys seemani, Tachisurus seemaniSTYLE="mso-bidi-font-style : normal ; mso-spacerun : yes"> STYLE=" ...


s our subject specie did not come about through the trials ...

Categories : David Marshall, English, Aquarium, CATFISH, SYNODONTIS,


Photograph of Synodontis robertsi by Kevin Webb n our ‘hobb ...

Categories : English, Aquarium, CATFISH, SYNODONTIS, David Marshall

Synodontis katangae

Introduction Several months ago a 'mixed bag' of wild caught Synodontis species arrived at the Petland aquatic retail outlet at New Earswick (a suburb of York). Martin, whose fam ...

Categories : English, Aquarium, CATFISH, SYNODONTIS, Synodontis Katangae, David Marshall

Tank Busting Catfish Part One: The Debate Continues..

Chris Ralph ollowing on from my learned colleague and fellow catfish enthusiast Daphne Layley’ ...


colleague of mine who worked for the Environment Agency had a call from a member of the public who said that there was a large st ...

The Mustard Catfish

David Marshall ust over two years ago, while looking through the stock tanks at Frisby Aquatics in ...

Categories : , English, Aquarium, CATFISH, SYNODONTIS, David Marshall

The Tadpole Madtom, Noturus gyrinus

Noturus is a genus in the family Ictaluridae. Ictalurids are found in North and Central America east of the Rockies from Canada to Guatemala. Noturus ...

Thoughts on a Catfish

here are so many living things - so many ways of living! And, some of them illustrate better than any textbook the long route that life took from molecule to mammal. ...

Using Mendel's Laws in our Tanks

My initial intention was to keep this article as simple as possible but, as I was working on it, it became evident that even simplicity has some limits which, if ignored, will lead to misunderstanding.  Thus, I decided to add some defi ...

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