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Categories : English, Aquarium, CATFISH, SYNODONTIS, Synodontis Katangae, David Marshall
Several months ago a 'mixed bag' of wild caught Synodontis species arrived at the Petland aquatic retail outlet at New Earswick (a suburb of York). Martin, whose family owns the outlet, was 'first on the scene' as these fish arrived and put aside a beautiful crème coloured little Synodontis to take home for his own aquarium.

A couple of days later I paid a visit and was able to view this 'new' Synodontis while it was still in the shop. As I have an extremely keen interest in these fish I became excited as to the identity of this particular individual but did not tell Martin exactly what my instincts had told me. I wanted to have the chance to verify this initial recognition through textbook pictures and photographs.

Synodontis katangae
Photo © David Marshall ...

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