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Naulupii , Artemia Salina

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Feeding Articles;

Feeding: Artemia

The common brine shrimp (artemia) is in the phylum Arthropoda, class Crustacea. Artemia are closely related to zooplankton like Copepods and Daphnia, which are also used for live food in the aquarium. The artemia life cycle begins by the hatching of ...

Vineger eels

Vinegar eels are an aquatic nematode that are not eels, but do live in vinegar. They are a couple of millimeters long and are very easily cultured. Take a one gallon glass jar, and add 5 parts water and 1 part cider vinegar. Add a small piece (one ...


Daphnia (also known as "water fleas") are tiny crustaceans of Daphnia pulex and D. magna spp. They are probably the most ideal food for the smaller fresh water fish. Daphnia do not die in the tank and will eat microscopic garbage while t ...

"Live Food: White Worms"

hese worms are up to 1" long and are good for feeding fish 3"-6" long. Culturing white worms: Similar to Grindal worms, but these worms do not do well at high temperatures. If possible, keep them below 70F; during the summer, they wi ...

"Microworms and Mosquito Larvae"

These microscopic worms are good for feeding newly hatched fry and the smallest fish, although fish up to 1" or more will eat them. Culturing microworms: Good culture media include Oatmeal pablum, Gerber high-protein cereal or cooked oatmeal ...


Artemia Reference Center (ARC), 1978 General information (title, editor, publisher, year of publication and table of contents) on important books and periodicals on aquaculture, some basic textbooks on ecology and standard works on water analysis. ...

A Brief History of My Life : Part 1 - A Magnificent Catfish

Daphne C. Layley n my sixth birthday, a dear and well-meaning aunt (who, with the benefit of hinds ...


Anatomy nauplii Male/female adult Artemia Salina Nauplius anatomy Artemia Salina adult anatomy Fresh hatched nauplii are about 0.25mm (0.01 inch) long. Adult artemia can grow up to a length of 10 - 15 mm (0.4 - 0.6 inch). Mandible ... used ...


Vitamin A and carotenoids were detected in only adult life stages of Artemia.

Artemia (Brine Shrimp) FAQ 1.1

Having seen all the posts about brine shrimp questions, I have decided to create a FAQ for artemia culture. It is by no means the definitive source, and will be expanded on in the future. I have gathered this information from various books, public ...

Artemia FAQ 2.0

Contents Artemia FAQ 2.0 Adult Brine Shrimp Baby Brine Shrimp Hatchery Illustration #1 How I successfully hatch Brine Shrimp Artemia FAQ 2.0 by Kai Schumann ([email protected])  Having seen all the posts about brine shrimp q ...

Brine Shrimp (Artemia salina)

Live brine shrimp are one of the three just about ubiquitous live foods available at the LFS. Yes, they are really shrimp--� fairy shrimp, to be more precise, a division of ...

Catching Live Food From Ponds

Once you have decided to collect live food, the first thing you must do is find a pond that contains the food you are after. You should look for a fairly small pond that is partly stagnant, but not polluted, and contains very few or no fish ...

Charles' Harrison's Live Food Cultures

Charles keeps quite a few live food cultures, but I include here his white worms, because he keeps them going and I don't, and his brine shrimp hatchery, which seems to be a very efficient setup. Charles' White Worms Charles keeps these in a ...

Culture Techniques of Moina : The Ideal Daphnia for Feeding Freshwater Fish Fry 1

Introduction Daphnia are small freshwater cladoceran crustaceans commonly called "water fleas." This common name is the result not only of their size, but their short, jerky hopping movement in water. The genera ...

Culturing Daphnia In Eight Easy Steps

Culturing Daphnia In Eight Easy Steps - This is the inspiration you need to get started with live food culturing. Daphnia are very interesting creatures, but they are also easy and fun to culture. Give these little critters a try, your fish will love ...

Culturing Microworm

Culturing Microworm: 1: First you will need a small - medium (about 500ml) plastic pot with tight fitting lid such as a margarine tub or Tupperware. Make a few small holes in the lid for ventilation. 2: Mix oats with boiling water into a thic ...

Culturing Microworms

by John Sipes & Mark Weierman First published in Fincinnati, the official newsletter of the Greater Cincinnati Aquarium Society Aquarticles These tiny critters are really not worms but rather nematodes. Nematodes are on ...

Culturing Redworms for Fish Food

by Joseph S. of California Aquarticles.com Most aquarists are perfectly happy with using commercially prepared dried foods or commercially prepared frozen foods. However, some of us either want to be cheap, are hungry for mo ...

Culturing Rotifers

Freshwater rotifers are very easy to raise. The one I have is Philodina but others should take the same care. I also raise Paramecium using this same method. You can use just about any size container for culturing. Just depends on how much you ...

Culturing White worm

White worm are small 1cm worms ideal for feeding to small amphibians such as Dendrobates, Bombina, and larvae. They are high in fat and can live for up to 2 days submerged in water, this makes them ideal for feeding to small aquatic species such ...

Culturing White Worms

Culture Container. The worms don't seem particular as long as it is dark and damp. Some use wooden boxes covered with a piece of thin. Plastic boxes are perfectly acceptable provided that they do not let in light. If the box is pl ...

Culturing White Worms (Enchytraeus albidus)

As a starter, for those who may be concerned, white worms look like human pinworms, but cannot successfully infect a human due to the low temperature requirements of this worm, and to the best of my ...

Culturing Whiteworms

  Nothobranchius foerschi TZL49-01White worms (Enchytraeus albidus) are a fantastic treat for adult killifish, and they are rarely turned down. They are aquatic-disease free, are full of fat a ...

Culturing Wingless Fruit Flies

I use 1/4 cup of Mc Cains instant mashed potatoes, 2 tsp. of corn flour, 1 tsp. brewers yeast, and a 1/4 tsp. of white granular sugar. Mix to a buttery paste with pure apple cider vinegar. - Charlie Drew Take a quart mason jar, put about ...

Culturing Woodlice

Common Pill Woodlouce (Armadillidium vulgare): Large (2cm) grey temperate species. Hatchling lice are an ideal food for small or juvenile Newts and Toads. Common Striped Woodlouce (Philoscia muscorum): Medium sized (11mm) light grey temperate s ...


by Anand Tunsutapanich National Freshwater Prawn Research And Training Centre Inland Fisheries Division, Department of Fisheries Ministry of Agriculture And Cooperatives Thailand (FAO/UNDP/THA/75/008) Bangpakong, Chacheongsao Thailand ...

Daphnia Cultures the Easy Way

Daphnia (daff-NEE-ah) are small freshwater crustaceans belonging to the order Cladocera and are found nearly everywhere in the world. They are an important food source for most aquatic insects, amphibians, birds, and of course, fish. High in protein ...

Daphnia FAQ

Having seen many questions about Daphnia, I have decided to create a FAQ for Daphnia culture. It is by no means the definitive source, and will be expanded on in the future. I have gathered this information from various books and publications. Unl ...

Dwarf African Redworms

Dwarf redworms are a worm from Africa that makes an excellent fish food. They are easy to take care of and they reproduce quickly. The first thing you need are about 6 to 10 adult worms. The next thing you need is a container to rai ...

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